Missing Teeth Issues Can Be Fixed with Dental Bridges in Fort Myers Florida

by | Nov 22, 2019 | Dentist

Whether a tooth was lost in an accident or because of decay, the ramifications for the victim are often the same. Having a gap in their smile can cause individuals to feel uncomfortable showing their smile. Missing teeth can also sometimes lead to problems with chewing. It is important those who are missing teeth are aware of their options for seeking dental bridges in Fort Myers Florida.

What Should Patients Know?

Before being considered for dental bridges in Fort Myers Florida, the patient will first need to go through a consultation appointment with the dentist. These appointments allow the dentist to carefully examine the patient and determine if a dental bridge will be effective in replacing their missing teeth. Bridges can be placed anywhere in the smile as long as there are anchoring teeth on either side that are healthy and strong.

The dentist will first need to prepare the teeth on either side of the missing tooth area. These are rounded and made smaller so they will be able to snuggly fit within the confines of the dental crowns. The dental crowns are joined to an abutment and this is an artificial tooth that replaces the patient’s missing tooth.

The Lab Makes the Bridge

The patient’s bridge is made to exacting specifications based on the impressions of the patient’s smile. Impressions allow the dental lab to create a bridge that will fit precisely within the patient’s mouth and replace the tooth they are missing.

With proper care, dental bridges can last up to fifteen years. The dentist will make sure the dental bridge fits precisely and will then adhere it to the two prepared teeth. Once in place, the result is seamless and allows for a complete smile.

Those who are embarrassed about their missing teeth are urged to contact us right away. Scheduling a consultation appointment will allow individuals to learn if they are a good candidate for this procedure.

The process is carried out in the office and can be completed within two to three appointments. Get started today so your smile can soon be made beautifully complete.

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