An LGBTQ dentist takes pride in serving patients of any race, creed, age, gender identity, sexual identification, or ability. LGBTQ dentist in Wrigleyville offers a large variety of services that include cosmetic dentistry and preventive treatments. What Does A...
3 Unexpected Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry in Vancouver, WA
General dentistry is important for having health teeth and gums. Your dentist checks for cavities and bone loss, and the hygienist removes the plaque and bacteria from your teeth. Cosmetic dentistry is focused on the aesthetics of your teeth, and here are three...
The Top Benefits of Getting Tooth Colored Fillings in Indianapolis IN
If you have cavities, then you have the option of getting tooth colored fillings in Indianapolis, IN. A tooth-colored filling will match the color of your natural teeth. There are several benefits that you can reap by getting a tooth-colored filling. Improved...
5 Myths About Dental Implants That You Shouldn’t Believe
Are you in the market for dental implants, but are hearing all sorts of myths and rumors that are starting to put you off? We’re here to dispel what you may have heard with our top 5 myths about dental implants that you shouldn’t believe. 1. Dental Implant Surgery Is...
What to Do to Prevent More Problems If You Already Have a Cracked Tooth
If you crack a tooth from eating hard food, sustaining a mouth injury or some other factor, you’ll want to do everything necessary to protect the tooth to keep the problem from getting worse. Even though minor cracks may not require any treatment, you should still...