A missing tooth can be a big issue when it comes to self-esteem. When there are several missing teeth, you may wish to avoid smiling altogether. Your teeth are a big part of how you look and talk. There are numerous things that can contribute to tooth loss. Injuries, gum disease, and aging are common problems that cause tooth loss. Implants are an excellent remedy to absence of teeth. They can restore your self-esteem and your ability to enjoy your favorite foods.
A Smile Restored
It is a great feeling to be able to smile when talking with your friends again after receiving dental implants in Washington, DC. The entire process takes several weeks to months to complete. You can feel hopeful during this time, however, knowing that your beautiful smile is coming back soon. The first step of the process is to put in the anchor pieces. This is the most time consuming part of the process. Once these are embedded in your bone, you must wait for the bone to grow around them. This makes dental implants incredibly strong and more a part of your natural dentition. Your smile can look incredibly natural once the process is complete.
Enjoy Food Again
Many foods are difficult to enjoy when you are missing teeth. You may find yourself eating softer foods and avoiding many favorites. When your dental implants are installed completely, you may want to spend an evening out at your favorite restaurant. Visit our official website to better understand how implants can change your situation.
Dental complications cause many problems when it comes to eating, talking, and self-esteem. Your dentist can help to set up a screening to make sure that implants are a good choice for you. Once you start the process, your spirits may lifted, knowing that your smile is coming back soon.